CEI in the Press

Ever since the Computer Ethics Institute began their collaborative effort, it has had a significant influence within the world of computer ethics. The following are many of the articles that have been written about the Computer Ethics Institute.

Computerworld, Ten Guidelines for Computer Ethics
Betts, Mitch

National Public Radio, Computer Ethics Ten Commandments All Things Considered
Citkins, Warren, Interviewd By Noah Adams

Indianapolis News, Computer Ethics Institute Updated Ten Commandments

Edmonton Journal, Need for Computer Ethics Prompts ‘Thou Shall Nots’
De Groot, Paul

Associated Press, Computer Commandments: dON’T sTEAL tHE cAPSLOCK kEY>
Feinsilber, Mike

Philadelphia Inquirer, So it Shall be Entered: A Computer Ethics Code
Feinsilber, Mike

PC Today, Computers and the Law
Goldsborough, Reid

USA Today, Cyber-ethics Joins College Curriculum
Hardy, Lawerence

Washington Technology, Beyond Netiquette
Henry, Shannon

Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale), Information Highway Patrol
Lambert, Marjorie

IRM Newsletter, Computer Ethics Institute Holds First Conference
Lesbines, Diana M.

Computer Ethics Institute · 888 17th Street NW · Suite 215 · Washington DC 20006 · 202-296-7147 
E-mail: info@computerethicsinstitute.org