April 28, 1994

Building Ethical Culture in Cyberspace:
Further Pursuit of a ‘Ten Commandments’ for Computer Ethics

This conference discussed the wide array of ethical frameworks that have been and need to be established within the fields of identity in cyberspace, the public perception of the Internet, the relationship between law and the Internet, privacy and computer practices, and medical records in databases. The conference also called for a means to inform children about computer ethics and eventually gave rise to the 1996 Kids and Computers conference.

Bruce MacLaury
The Brookings Institution

PANEL 1 Traps of the Virtual Society
Moderator: Ramon Barquin
The Washington Consulting Group

Stephanie Shorrow
Boston Herald

Angela Gunn
‘Identity in Cyberspace’

Alicia Juarerro
Prince George’s Community College

Jonathan Merril

Victor Cosentino
Finkelstein, Thompson & Loughran

PANEL 2 Technologies of Pursuit: Case Studies, Assessment Methods & Decision Making
Moderator: David Trickett

Bob Barger
Eastern Illinois University

Patrick F. Sullivan
Computer Ethics Institute

Maarten van Swaay
Kansas State University

Peter Tippett
Symantec/Peter Norton

Blaise Liffick
Millersville University

PANEL 3 Ethics and the Infrastructure
Moderator: Patrick F. Sullivan

John Loughney
Westfield State College

Paula Bruening
Office of Technology Assessment

Maarten van Swaay
Kansas State University

Michael McFarland
Boston College

Victoria White
University of Massachusetts

PANEL 4 Computer Ethics Education
Moderator: Hary Yeide

Rev. Karen Doty
Prebyterian Church, USA

Sue Kamp
Software Publishers Association

Dianne Martin
George Washington University

Frank Connelly
American University


Computer Ethics Institute · 888 17th Street NW · Suite 215 · Washington DC 20006 · 202-296-7147 
E-mail: info@computerethicsinstitute.org