April 27, 1995

Cyberethics an the Balance of Individual,
Communitarian and Corporate Insterests

This conference addressed the emerging popularity of the Internet and how the individual, community, and corporation will be represented in this different environment. Scholars spoke on the preservation of democracy on the Internet and of the individual?s right to free speech. While, others spoke about corporate policy and technological advancement in response to the Internet and our ethical demands.

Bruce MacLaury
The Brookings Institution

PANEL 1 Cyberethics Education: You Have to be More Than Aware
Moderator: Charles Atterbury

John Artz
George Washington University
‘Putting Values into Practice: Dialectic Value Clarification’

Chris Farley, Ted Gould, Karen Caddell, Sandy Pizak, Richard Maginn
Smokey Hill High School
‘Cyberethics Education’

Moderator: Richard Abbott

Jacques Berleur
Loyola University, Chicago
‘Self-Regulation and Democracy in the Cybercommunity’

Richard Spinello
Boton College
‘Free Speech in Cyberspace’

George Randels, Jr.
Center for Ethics in Public Policy, Emory University
‘Virtual Communities and Virtuous Reality’

Moderator: Patrick Sullivan

John Loughney
Westfield State College
‘Managing High-technology Ethics: Rights vs. Values’

Maarten van Swaay
Kansas State University
‘Magic or Mischief: the Illusion of Cyberspace as a ‘Technological Fix”

John Weckert
Charles Sturt University
‘Local Codes in a Global Context: Ethical Consistency in the Electronic Community’

PANEL 4 Intellectual Property and Anonymity on the Internet
Moderator: David Trickett

Helena Kobrin
Church of Scientology

David Johnson
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Richard Stallman
Free Software Foundation

PANEL 5 Cyberethics and the Professionalization of Software Engineering and Computer Security
Moderator: Patrick Sullivan

Deborah Johnson
Rensselaer Polytechnic University

Robert Melford
IEEE Computer Society

Donald Gotterbarn
East Tennessee State University

Kathleen Harvey

Moderator: Jack Loughney

Greg Hendee
Bowling Green State University
‘What I Should Know: The Ethics of Information’

John Fodor
Research Center on Computing and Society
‘Action and Accountability in Cyberspace’

Melynda Reid
Greensboro, FL
‘Where Contracts Fail’

PANEL 7 Whose E-mail Is It Anyway: Ownership, Privacy and Corporate Policy
Moderator: Ted Gerbracht

Ted Gerbracht

Ernie Kallman
Bentley College

Michael Cavanaugh
Cavanagh Associates

PANEL 8 Democracy in Cyberspace

Ramon Barquin
Computer Ethics Institute

Danny Weitzner
Center for Democracy & Technology

Todd La Porte
Office of Technology Assessment

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