White Papers

Dialect Value Clarification: Putting Values into Practice
Artz, John M.

A Metaethical Analysis of Computer Ethics
Barger, Robert N.

Computers and Ethics: The International Dimensions
Barquin, Ramon C.

Cyberethics and Cyberspace: The Traps of Virtual the Society
Barquin, Ramon C.

In Pursuit of a ‘Ten Commandments’ for Computer Ethics
Barquin, Ramon C.

Some Reflections on Computer Ethics
Barquin, Ramon C.

Traps of the Virtual Society
Barquin, Ramon C.

Understanding the Impact of Future Technologies
Barquin, Ramon C.

Self Regulation and Democracy: What Limits?
Berleur, Jaques

Inquiring Systems for Computer Ethics
Bower, Brian Kyle

Remarks on the Meaning of Privacy
Catudal, Jaques N.

The Ethics of Computer Simulations in the Natural Sciences
Collins, W. Robert And Kieth W. Miller

Informed Consent for Computer Professionals
Collins, W. Robert And Kieth W. Miller

Traps of a Virtual Society: Rough Justice on the Electronic Frontier
Cosentino, Victor J.

A County Level Computerized System for Tracking Human Services Utilization:
Problems in Applying the Justice Principle to County Level Resource Allocation
Derenzo, Evan G.

The Computer Ethics of University Students: An International Exploratory Study
Forcht, Karen A., Robert G. Brookshire And Sott P. Stevens

Introducing Computer Ethics in the K-12 School Curriculum
Kizza, Joseph P.

The Need for Ethics Education in Computer Curriculum
Lee, John .A.N.

A Methodology for the Analysis of Ethical Scenarios by
Undergraduate Computer Science Majors
Liffick, Blaise W.

Ethics and Cyberculture
Markey, Edward

E-mail: A Zealot Speaks
Marmon, William

Computer Ethics: A Technologist’s Viewpoint
Melford, Robert J.

The Church in Cyberspace: Whose Platform? Which Operating System?
Randels, George D.

Virtual Communities and Virtuous Reality
Randels, George D.

Ethics in Invisible Communities: Looking at Network Security
Robinett, Jane

Moral Skepticism, Cyberspace, and Theological Ethics
Schweiker, William

Toward the Third Millennium: Cyberspace, Evolution, and
Teilhard’s Vision of Cosmic Love
Shafer, Ingrid H.

Philosophical Reflections on Free Speech in Cyberspace
Spinello, Richard A.

Cyberspace and Moral Community
Sullivan, Patrick F.

Ethics in the Computer Age
Sullivan, Patrick F.

International Issues in Ethics, Technology and Value
Sullivan, Patrick F.

Theoretical Sources in Computer Ethics
Sullivan, Patrick F.

Freedom Cannot Be Adversarial
Swaay, Maarten Van

Magic or Mischief: the Illusion of Cyberspace as a“Technological Fix”
Swaay, Maarten Van

Right and Rule Versus Privilege, Responsibilities and Trust
Swaay, Maarten Van

The Ethics Audit: A Strategic Technology for Today and Tomorrow
Trickett, David

Canadian Information Highway Policy, Access to Information, and the Conditions of Human Action
Walters, Greg

How Computer Ethics is Possible
Wilson, Thomas A.

Computer Ethics Institute · 888 17th Street NW · Suite 215 · Washington DC 20006 · 202-296-7147 
E-mail: info@computerethicsinstitute.org