Magic or Mischief: The Illusions of Cyberspace as a “Technological Fix”

Computer Ethics Institute, March 7, 1992

Maarten van Swaay , Computing and Information Sciences, Kansas State University

Maarten van Swaay argues that many of our conceptions of the Internet and the computer are unrealistic and idealistic. In this paper, Swaay gives us a realistic view of the computer and asks that we preserve this view and our ethical norms while theorizing about the benefits of computer technology. “It behooves us, as acolytes of computer technology, to recognize not only its power, but also, and especially, its risks and limitations, and to take the lead toward placing the technology at the service of society. That will require not only that society retain control over what computers will be allowed to do, but also that we seek insight about what computers should, and should not, be asked to do.”

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