What is CEI?

What is CEI?

The Computer Ethics Institute (CEI) is a 501(c) 3 research, education and public policy organization focused on the interface of advances in information technologies within ethical frameworks.  Its constituency is comprised of professionals from the academic, corporate and public policy, information technology and religious communities. In addition, its constituency is multi-disciplined, multi-cultural, cross-generational and international.

CEI’s mission is to facilitate the examination and recognition of ethics in the development and use of computer technologies. The output of this discussion provides educational resources and governing rules.

Methods of fullfilling this include:

    • Information dissemination
    • Computer ethics education
    • Policy analysis

CEI is recognized as an organization that can lay the foundation for the appropriate use of information technology.This goal is accomplished by isolating and examining the values and ethical imperatives that come into play when information technology is used. CEI’s role is to anticipate the ethical dilemmas that may arise and provide users with an understanding of the consequences.

Computer Ethics Institute · 888 17th Street NW · Suite 215 · Washington DC 20006 · 202-296-7147 
E-mail: info@computerethicsinstitute.org